A review by caslater83
The Words Between Us by Erin Bartels


Where do I begin? I love books and bookstores. The cover art was a great choice. Getting this book as an ARC for the month of August made me happy.

When I first started reading the book, I wasn't feeling the tug yet. But I kept going and I'm glad I did because it got better as I continued on. Some books are slower and I'm impatient, so that's just a cross I have to bear.

Robin strikes me as someone who survived the turmoil of her childhood by associating herself with the strong characters she reads in her literature. When she meets Peter, the two are a good fit, but like Robin, Peter's life is far from perfect.

As an adult, Robin struggles to move on from the past. Her father's awaiting execution. Her mother is awaiting release. The media still links her to her parents' crimes. It feels impossible to start over with those clouds of doom hanging over her head.

Packages start arriving in the mail from her childhood friend. Her anxiety is now rising. Why is he doing? Why now? What does he want?

The book will keep you going (which is good). I do wish that Peter had appeared earlier in her adult life...but that's just my own opinion.