A review by vivisms_82
Archer's Voice by Mia Sheridan


Bree Prescott arrives in a small town in Maine USA, to find some peace after a personally traumatic event. In this sleepy town she meets Archer; a man that many presume to be simple and weird because he keeps to himself and does not talk. 

Ok I got up to page 150 but dnf... good Lord this is soooo poorly written. How was this ever a bestseller??! And where was the editor?? Flippin' hell how many times do we have to hear about Phoebe the cat doing its business or Archer being a "quiet man"?? And the absolute worst part is the character of Bree i.e. the part time stalker, ableist fmc we are supposed to be rooting for. She happens to know sign language so her being able to communicate with Archer opens his world because apparently if you are deaf you need a hearing abled person to give you a life. Ick. Also, after ONE episode with Archer about her trauma, Bree no longer has PTSD. Like flashbacks are gone. Anxiety gone. I found the depiction of the ease of PTSD recovery and ableism appalling. There is also no mention of any counselling or psychologic support which is baffling - she got no help after what she went through? He as a little boy didn't have to have psychological assessment after his trauma? Just ridiculous. My friend (who loved the book) told me what happens after said 150 pages and it seems like this book would have only further bugged me so small mercies :) I don't expect great literature from a romance book but geesh this was bargain bin $2 special material. 

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