A review by xanister
Daddy by Madison Young


If you know nothing about the world of Kink and porn you might not know who Madison Young is. You might not be able to fully appreciate the book and things in it might bother you. However, as a story its amazing to see the trials that Madison went through to get to where she is today.

When I got this book I knew very little about Madison. I had seen interviews, followed her workshops and saw her appearance on Training of O with James Mogul which she talks about in the book. Her spot with James on Training of O remains one of the most intense and interesting scenes I've ever watched. However, this book was an eye opener and not always in a good way. It's not all sunshine and rainbows (floggers and leather). There are points where you might wince or wish you could help Ms. Young in her troubles. I'm sure a psychiatrist would have a field day with this book but they would miss the passion and the connection that exists.

The book is written in a very interesting style and very conversational in tone. It's informal and passionate and if you enjoy Madison's work on screen or off I think you'll benefit to hear about her start and her progression through the industry. The fact that I know about feminist porn is entirely because of her and her work to bring not just porn but kink porn to a female audience is amazing!

I'll admit the one BIG thing that I feel was missing from this has nothing to do with the actual book! I want a follow up with James' side. He seems to be the quieter of the two and his personal life is kept as just that, personal but the nuggets that we see in the book make it all the more interesting. I just want more!

My one tiny little bother with the book is one that I have absolutely no right to complain over. The title and use of the word "Daddy" through the book made me twitch but that's just a personal preference. I have no issue with the content just someone using that word and "little girl" in a sexual context squicks me a little bit. Again, do not let this deter you from this book. It is an excellent read and one that may change your mind about certain segments of the industry.