A review by teresab78
Behind the Eight Ball by M.A. Church


****Reviewed for Prism Book Alliance®****

4.5 Stars - Behind the Eight Ball is book 2 in the Fur, Fangs, and Felines series, and once again, MA Church has brought us a delightful, fun book with just enough conflict to make it interesting but not so much as to bring the reader down.

I loved the descriptions of Heller as a cat – it was so like a real cat, fun and playful, and a joy to read. As a cat lover myself, I couldn’t help but grin.

The rest of the story was great too. I loved how Heller turned around and that we got to see why he hated humans so much. I loved Lawson and loved that the relationship, though fated mates, wasn’t insta-love. They took time to get to know each other.

The set up for book three was great and I can’t wait to read that as well!

Prism Book Alliance®