A review by see_sadie_read
Betrayed: Days of the Rogue by Nicky Charles, Jan Gordon, Jazer Designs


This book twice forced me to reassess my own opinions. I generally am discouraged when a series that has previously been based on a single paranormal species, such as werewolves, starts throwing in other species, such as fae. I've found it to usually indicate that the series is loosing focus, which is rarely a good thing. However, despite my dismal expectations it worked here. Charles managed to introduce a broader paranormal panorama without letting the series loose shape. Kudos. Secondly, I was seriously disappointed when I started reading the book and found that Damian wasn't the main character here. I really like his character and after the teaser at the end of The Keeping I was desperate to know what happens to him. However, having read this book I think it was the right choice not to jump right into his story. It would have felt like too soon, as if we too hadn't mourned Beth enough.

As always the writing was good, the book was well edited, and the sexual tension high. I look forward to following the rest of the Law of the Lycan series.