A review by leonajasmin
Divided: Why We're Living in an Age of Walls by Tim Marshall


Most of my views for this book remain the same as what I thought about Prisoners of Geography. This book is quite enlightening for those who are less versed in International Relations, whereas it may not be too riveting for those more versed.
I found the Africa & Indian subcontinent chapters particularly interesting. I did feel like the UK chapter went a bit off tangent and had quite a bit of information that a non-Brit/non-Anglophile probably won't care much for. However, Marshall's sense of humour comes out mostly in this chapter whereas other chapters felt like an all information, no analysis.
There were many other areas which he mentioned in passing that I'd have been interested to learn more about. He briefly mentions the Baltic/Russia walls, Uzbekistan and South America. I'd have been interested in what he thought of them in more depth since he has a very readable writing style (although I don't always agree with his points).
Overall, I much preferred this book to Worth Dying For and would put it on par with Prisoners of Geography in terms of writing style. The main downfall for me was that it was too short for my liking.