A review by allingoodtime
Pivot: Three Connected Stories of Romantic Suspense by Kat Martin, Rebecca Zanetti, Alexandra Ivy


4.5 stars overall

I initially picked this book up to read the story by Rebecca Zanetti, Shaken. I’m a huge fan of hers and this story is a pit stop in her Deep Ops series. Usually, when I have a lot of other books waiting, I would only read the story I pick up the book to read. But this book said these stories are connected so I figured I should read all three since the Deep Ops story is the second in this book. I found that it wasn’t necessary to read all three, but there are some crossover characters so it was a nice connection.

Against the Heart
by Kat Martin
This book, overall, seems to be touted as a Kat Martin book with the other two author along for the ride. While it looks like she’s got an extensive back library, this is not an author that I’ve read or who has been on my radar. It also seems her story is the shortest. This was a short and sweet story. I enjoyed all of the characters, though the chemistry between Ian and Meri wasn’t as flammable as I’d like. It gave me enough to know I’d be interested in checking out some of her other books, and isn’t that the point of these types of compilations? The only issue I had, which was actually quite a large issue to someone like me that doesn’t like inconsistencies, was the geography. I’m not going to get into particulars because maybe if I don’t point out the specifics you won’t notice. I can say it was a big enough issue for me that I will probably stop reading if I come across such blatant inaccuracies in another book by this author.
3 stars

by Rebecca Zanetti
Now this is what I came here for! As always, Rebecca Zanetti keeps me turning those pages. The story may be short, but it’s full of action and emotions. This story and the Kat Martin story do overlap, but if you came for the Deep Ops story like I did, you could skip the other story if you were low on time. Another side of the same coin, if you haven’t read the Deep Ops books you will still enjoy this one. In fact, I’m sure you’ll be quite curious to read more after meeting Wolfe, Roscoe, and Kat. I literally let out a little whoop when I realized Wolfe was making an appearance! I enjoyed Michelle and Evan’s backstory and only wish there had been more of that. Sometimes I found Michelle to be a bit too pragmatic, but due to her upbringing and past experiences I couldn’t really fault her for her caution. All in all, a great addition to the Deep Ops series.
4 stars

Echoes of the Past
by Alexandra Ivy
I just love when I read a compilation because of one author, and find another author to love. This story sucked me in and gave me all the feels. There’s great chemistry between Melanie and Gray. They are both such good people and only have to truly open up and talk to each other in order to heal some past hurts. There’s action, emotions, suspense, and heat. All the makings of an amazing story.
4.5 stars

You can find more of my reviews at All In Good Time.