A review by jennaherr
Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office: 101 Unconscious Mistakes Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers by Lois P. Frankel


This book has a few useful nuggets of advice and several recommendations for other books on specific topics (negotiation, personal brand, etc.). If you do not mind reading a book with which you largely disagree, and picking out the points that are useful to you, then this book is fine. Most of the advice is horribly outdated, borderline sexist, and confusing, especially regarding women's appearances.

I was especially annoyed after the 1000th time hearing "you don't see men doing it...be like men." Frankly, there are plenty of times when men should follow women's lead and change their behavior. This book seems to give men a free pass to perpetuate certain behaviors because successful men of the past have benefited, and women should adjust to fit within those parameters and be successful too. There are plenty of other books that I would recommend over this one.