A review by katrinky
Primates of Park Avenue, by Wednesday Martin


the formula of this book is "I am such an outsider, I am observing how truly impossible it is to become part of this community of UES mommies, but woops I landed in a dream building in the most expensive 4-block radius in the United States, and woops got my kid into the best preschool and wow I got a birkin." she does not cop to her own insane privilege, just comments on the fact that everyone around her is very rich. I love anthropology and think it's super clever of her to apply primatology to the women of the upper east side, but when the culture she's"going native" in is a misogynistic, wasteful, capitalist bell jar, and she won't even admit to loving it or being the absolute 1% by getting to declare that it's where she and her family MUST live, she loses me.