A review by ellalouise99
A Beginner's Guide to Bear Spotting by Michelle Robinson


A funny yet informative book about black and brown bears. A little boy goes into the woods in search of bears to spot the difference between black and brown ones. He tells the dangers of them in an engaging and fun way. The ending of the book is a surprise and will probably make children laugh. The illustrations are lovely throughout and add to the humour of the book. This would be a great read-aloud story for FS and KS1 children. Children could create their own fact files on black and brown bears by searching for the factual information in the story.
There could also be links made to art, the bear drawings at the beginning of the story are created using lots of tiny lines. Children could use this approach to draw their own animal. The bears towards the second half of the story appear to be created in the same way, however, these are less sketch-like.