A review by tanyad74
Club Nexus by E.J. Stevens, Traci Odom


At first, I thought I wasn't going to be up for reading the same story just told from different viewpoints. I was wrong. The thing that I did enjoy was that with each person, you learned a little more of the story. I found I would skim the first bit, as it was so close to the previous section, but then I could dig in when it picked up in the meat of the story.

This is a short compilation of even shorter stories so you can fly through it in no time. My favorite part is that my fascination for a certain demon is stimulated even more in this installment. Horns and scary form too. I think Ivy's plan in the end for him really sucks. I think she needs to butt out. Her protectiveness is great and all, but sometimes I think Ivy just goes a bit overboard.

The events in this book will be mentioned a few times in Burning Bright, so if you are obsessive like me about reading everything in order, you will probably want to read this first.

This review was originally posted on Rantings of a Reading Addict