A review by knitter22
On the Far Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George


Maybe I should not have read this as an adult, but everything that made My Side of the Mountain enjoyable was lacking in the sequel On the Far Side of the Mountain. It consists mainly of Sam rereading many of his old journal entries, the confiscation of his peregrine falcon, Frightful, and far too much of Sam's annoyingly needy sister, Alice. She chose to live with Sam in the wilderness, but then made endless demands of him (“Build me a treehouse!” “I want rabbit skins on my floor!”) before she disappeared with her pet pig (Yes, a pig named Crystal). Sam sets off to look for Alice, hoping to find Frightful. In all honesty, the return of Frightful was the only thing that kept me reading. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that the third book in this series, Frightful's Mountain, is much better, because it's told from Frightful's viewpoint with less from those irritating humans.