A review by trin
Bad Chili by Joe R. Lansdale


Probably more like two stars -- I really just like listening to Hap and Leonard talk to each other that much. The even-numbered books in this series are continuing to be downswings for me, though: this mystery was pretty weak, and there wasn't even much in the way of atmospheric set pieces in this one. (I liked the rabid squirrel, but the
was OTT for me.)

Speaking of things that are semi-ridiculous: Hap and Leonard apparently go through lovers like Spinal Tap goes through drummers.
SpoilerHap's now down two girlfriends, and Leonard down a boyfriend. (Good luck, Brett!)
Let's be real: I feel like the obvious solution is to just hook up with each other.

(There are still zero fics on AO3. ZERO. Goddamn!)