A review by anya_doesntmatter
The Black Sheep and The Rotten Apple by K.A. Merikan

Let's get right to it.
I've put off writing this review because K.A. Merikan has penned some of the sickest ( as in awesome) MM books I have ever read. Merikan has provided me with hours of reading enjoyment that I treasure. So... what happened? is this a fluke? Why am I constantly pulled out of the storyline? Why am I having a hard time buying Julian and Evan's romance? I'll get back to this in a minute, I promise.

The first time I attempted reading this book I was intrigued… I felt my excitement for the story slowly dwindle when I started reading Julian’s inner monolog questioning his forbidden desires. Julian frequents a whore house. He drinks, he gambles and socializes with his friends. He also beds the women there every once in awhile. He finds sex enjoyable but it’s not something he seeks out with a woman. as a matter of fact, he doesn't get what the big deal is.
Julian has dreams of becoming a writer. He wants to visit the Mediterranean and craft stories of his grand adventures there. Julian doesn’t want to marry but his father is fed up with his spendthrift ways and of Julian wasting away his life. The Ultimatum finally came down: marry or else. While I can understand Julian’s reluctance to marry I struggled to make sense of his inner conflicts after being kidnapped by a Highway man who eventually seduces him.

Sir Recluse aka The Ghost of Tredele aka Evan Penhart, is gay. he’s known this about himself all his life. His sex life/ experiences are very limited given the fact that sodomy is a hanging offense. It’s understandable why he’s cautious of approaching men. His reasoning I completely buy but Julian is a whole other kettle of fish.

So... what happened? is this a fluke? Why am I constantly pulled out of the storyline? Why am I having a hard time buying Julian and Evan's romance?

Although Julian has had sex several times with women he doesn’t find the act all that pleasurable. It is implied that Julian is therefore, gay… yet he’s completely oblivious to it. I’m having a hard time buying this. I don’t believe in magical vaginas. I also don’t believe in magical peen. Julian never once thought of men as attractive? Never felt physically drawn to one. He hit puberty and discerned for himself that breasts did nothing for him yet never had an inkling or leaning towards men? Again, my musings were triggered because he’s presented as becoming aware sexually, that he’s gay ( not pan, bi, asexual etc.). Biology in this instance given the circumstance should have caused some stirring.

The running dialogue in his head became such a distraction that I put the book down. I was about to abandon the book until I saw all these wonderful rave reviews. I began to doubt myself and decided it must be me and so I gave the book another go… another 100 pages in and yup, still disappointed.

Don’t get me wrong. Julian and Evan are an adorable couple. The steam between these two is palpable and I thought their romance to be sweet…. I just couldn’t get through Julian’s jumbled thoughts and there were so many of them that I finally pulled the plug. again.

This may just be a case of me being picky or overthinking, maybe Julian, will have a revelation and find a moment in his past when he experienced desire for another man but honestly, I am wary. I have no interest at the moment in finding out if he eventually has an epiphany!

I love K.A. Merikan’s stories, unfortunately, this one is a miss for me. If you’re not as picky (or whiny and impatient) as I am read it! They say third time’s the charm. maybe I’ll revisit this story in a couple months and if my feelings change I’ll make sure to update this review.
