A review by helenephoebe
Date with Mystery, by Julia Chapman


'Date with Mystery' is different to the earlier books in this series as it deals with a historical case rather than one happening in the moment. I love this idea, and it reminds me of [b:Troubled Blood|51807232|Troubled Blood (Cormoran Strike, #5)|Robert Galbraith|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1594301752l/51807232._SY75_.jpg|65370539] in that way, although that is much darker than this one. This is still very much a cosy crime novel, which is what I enjoy listening to when I'm working.

Samson and Delilah as a couple are really growing on me, though I wasn't sure about them at first. I think as we learn more about them and their backgrounds, especially Samson, it makes more sense. Though I get the feeling that the next book is really going to test their friendship and the idea of a relationship between them as Samson's past cannot remain hidden for much longer, so I really look forward to seeing how that's handled and how the people of Bruncliffe take the news.

The writing is engaging without you needing to concentrate too much on it, and you can see that the author is warming more to her characters the further through the series you go because they seemed to really come to life more here, and I felt more invested in them. I think the fact that this is a historic case of tracking down a missing birth certificate lulls you into a false sense of security while at the same time knowing that there will be danger for the characters, because otherwise the book wouldn't be worth reading!

It's very Agatha Raisin style ([a:M.C. Beaton|1657638|M.C. Beaton|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1565037575p2/1657638.jpg] and I love that series, so sad that Beaton passed away, but I'm enjoying this as a kind of alternative at the moment.

There are a lot of things opened up in this book, and there are quite a few open questions left, so at least I can borrow the next one on audiobook from the library right now and get listening!