A review by karlyo83
The Brother by N.V. Peacock


My Rating: 1⭐️ utterly disappointing and completely BORING!!!

Synopsis: Is murder in her DNA? My mother lied to me. My family is not my own. If it wasn’t for the genealogy test, I would never have known I was the child of another woman. Now I’m learning that I have four brothers I have never met. And one of them is a serial killer. My brother is taunting me to play his vicious game - solving his clues before he spills more blood. Who can I trust? How can I find and stop him before it is too late? And what if it is me he really wants?

Ok first up… talk about the lie of all lies telling us if we are fans of Chris Carter and M.W Craven to read this book… absolutely incorrect!! Chris Carters books are edge of your seat bite your nails off gruesome and M.W Craven’s books are engaging and funny and also thrilling… this was anything but… ANYTHING BUT!!!

Secondly, that synopsis sounds like something I would read in one sitting. Well let me say this I was lucky to get through a couple of chapters before I LITERALLY FELL ASLEEP…. Every single time I picked it up I fell asleep… this is a terrible sign of something that is supposed to be thrilling. I was bored… I didn’t care about the MC she was stupid and she behaved in a way that was too stupid for words. The author decided that to make those stupid actions ok she would inner monologue how stupid she was behaving so she could go ahead and be a big dumb dumb!! Sorry but that is lazy.

The writing was really basic and I could have overlooked it if stuff that I cared about happened. Every other page you are held in suspense that someone kills or hurts her dog… I will put you out of your misery… they don’t. The dog is fine… BUT it is supposed to be a guard dog and every single person that comes to the house is able to win this “guard dog” over in seconds. Sorry but I want my money back if this giant dog is not eating people’s faces off that are breaking into my home multiple times.

While we are on the writing it was a hand holding festival… almost every scene was play by play. And just in case the reader wasn’t able to work out stuff… well we will make sure you do by playing every play that can be played over and over again… repetitive and boring… here is a little section…

After a lovely dinner, I relax in my favourite armchair and think back over my latest victory against my sister….
Grant was a wriggly fucker. It took several attempts to wrap the scarf around his neck.
“Stop! Who are you?” He spluttered as I dragged him across the carpet towards his back door. Too many questions then spilled from his lips; all I could have answered, yet chose not to.

Once we were in the garage, I sat him on a chair. Pushing a piece of paper and pen in front of him, I said, “Write what I tell you’. He nodded.

With my silky noose tight around his trembling throat, he wrote his own suicide note. The proverbial Monopoly Get Out of Jail Free card for me, and the cunning clue, slash punishment for Fallon. I’d win this round. Steal her hope of a future with this idiot.

UGHHHH for real… that just all comes across pretentious and boring… honestly I probably fell asleep in the middle of that monologue. BUT don’t get me started on Fallon. She is a woman who has suffered from a traumatic event… one that is drip fed to us from the start now… granted this sometimes works but honestly it would have been better to just know about what happened from the start. AND when we do find out what happened, yes its bad, but this is fictional thriller AND coupled with comparing it to Chris Carter… I was expecting it to be horrific… I was expecting descriptions of horror, and blood and abuse and all the things that we get from Carters books… well you will not get that here… and thats FINE if you don’t compare it to Chris Carter. I am sorry but if you like his books then you are looking for an absolute horror show… so this fell flat in so many ways.

Our MC though is a psychologist but she is just about the dumbest person around… it was really hard to empathise with her… and by the end I was actually hoping she was killed… did she get killed… well if you can make it to the end then find out for yourself… honestly this took me a week to read I fell asleep that many times and to add insult to injury I was almost finished… like one page from the end AND I FELL ASLEEP AGAIN!!! I absolutely shit you not!!! My brain had some aversion to this book big time. Anyway… sorry was I repeating myself… well I am just setting you up for some repetition that you will find in this book… over and over and over Fallon’s inner, whiny monologue goes on and on about everything. ALSO there are crimes being committed but there are no police in sight… an actual member of the forensic police squad was killed… the murder made to look like a suicide okey dokey… that will be fine… signed sealed and delivered!!! Omg this was so lame.

Another lookie at the writing for you… this is our baddie he sounds scary…

While she starred down at her phone screen, I lunged forward. Her neck fit perfectly between my hands. Dropping her mobile, she struggled, but I was too strong. I always am, even against tigers and bears.


Look I could go on and on and I feel like I already have but quite simply… we have a dumb boring MC, we have a killer that is a jackass but apparently stronger than bears and tigers sooo cool, we have a complete lack of police, the MC’s house keeps getting broken into… definitely no security cameras…. Awesome choice. We have tooooo many twists on twists that aren’t doing anything for anyone except confusing the issue.

AND the kicker… apparently Fallon painted the front of her house and everyone felt the need to mention it looked like a giant dick wrapped around her deck… honestly … was it necessary… I guess you could say the author was going for humour but nahhhh it didn’t land sorry.

Overall… come on… you know what I am going to say… I am not going to recommend this to anyone. I don’t really care who you are… if you like this then awesome I am so happy for you and I really am glad that people will like this… but no one in my reading circle needs to be subjected to it.

Thank you to NetGalley, Hera Publishing and the author for an advanced copy for my brutally honest review. I wish I liked it more and I really really tried.