A review by grandpas_farts
The Carnival at Bray by Jessie Ann Foley


When I saw this book was set in the 90s I rented it from my library and said get ready eyes, we're reading reading all night! Something about books set in the 80s or 90s makes my little Millennial heart totally pitter patter to the beat of my tight Tamagotchi, Giga Pet and Nano dawg!

This was no different. I picked it up with out really reading what is was about but from the set up of
Spoiler Kevin you could tell that he was going to die. I had hope of him being a big rockstar and visiting his little niece/God daughter but all arrows pointed to RIP Uncle Kevin. It sucked because I really liked Kevin. Maybe it is because he has the same name as my older brother or the fact that we are the same age and he was just living the wild and craz college fun beyond the college years. I was a little upset after his death. The way the synopsis set it up made it sound like (to me) Kevin was a big time rocker and Nanny Ei was going to hit the bucket.

I had to go back and read the synopsis because
Spoiler after Kevin's death
I had no clue what was going on. I should have read the synopsis from the start. It turned out to be a fun adventure Maggie went on with Eoin.

Spoiler I'm happy they ended up together in the end and there was no cheesy ending like them being engaged. It was great they found Ashley and that guy (I mean it was suppose to happen anyway) but home girl should have known that it was going to happen and should have been more carful. I secretly wanted them to not find the thieves.