A review by popthebutterfly
House of Furies by Madeleine Roux


Rating: 2/5

Genre: YA Fantasy/Horror

Recommended Age: 15+ (gore, murder, violence, nightmares)

After escaping a harsh school where punishment was the lesson of the day, seventeen-year-old Louisa Ditton is thrilled to find employment as a maid at a boarding house. But soon after her arrival at Coldthistle House, Louisa begins to realize that the house’s mysterious owner, Mr. Morningside, is providing much more than lodging for his guests. Far from a place of rest, the house is a place of judgment, and Mr. Morningside and his unusual staff are meant to execute their own justice on those who are past being saved.

Louisa begins to fear for a young man named Lee who is not like the other guests. He is charismatic and kind, and Louisa knows that it may be up to her to save him from an untimely judgment. But in this house of distortions and lies, how can Louisa be sure whom to trust?

Featuring stunning interior illustrations from artist Iris Compiet, plus photo-collages that bring Coldthistle House to chilling life, House of Furies invites readers to a world where the line between monsters and men is ghostly thin. - Amazon.com

I was reading this book in the car and when I would take a nap or two I would legit have nightmares. So this book was the perfect choice of my October TBR! It was so gory and haunting that it would be an injustice to the book to read it in any other month. I thought the character development was fairly well done and the pacing was very well done as well. I liked that the character wasn’t handed the secret to what she was in the first few chapters and she and the reader were left to guess the secret until almost all the way through the novel. Unfortunately this is all that I really liked about the novel.

I thought that the book was told in a very discombobulated manner. While the plot was very well done and it could have been a good book, I thought that the way it was told was not streamlined at all. It made it very hard to keep reading this book. I thought there was room for improvement on the characters backstories as well. We never do find out some of the more important details of the book and a lot of the magic of the book is not explained. I also had issue with the way the book was wrote. The mix of internal monologue and talking made it difficult to follow throughout the book and it made the book not very easy to read.

Verdict: Would I read this book again? No I don’t think I will. In my opinion while it was very gorey and Halloween appropriate, it reminded me more of a B-rated horror film. However, you might feel different! If you do or read this book later on and love it please tell me in the comments below! I’d love to hear someone who thought this book was good!