A review by yetanothersusan
Whispers Through a Megaphone by Rachel Elliott


Miriam did something three years ago that has made her frightened to leave the house. On top of this, she is still dealing with the memories of her abusive and mentally ill mother. Ralph is depressed. He wants to be a gardener but is stuck as a psychotherapist. His wife Sadie is struggling with her relationship with her husband and her own sexuality. Then Ralph runs away from home and his own birthday party. Miriam decides that she is finally going to leave the house. The two have a chance meeting in the woods and find each other as unlikely supporters. Their friendship, how they deal with their individual issues, and the greater story around them make for a great read. Ms. Elliott tends her characters gently, lovingly, as she guides them through their difficulties and does an amazing job of presenting even the minor characters in true colors. Just a wonderful book!

A copy of this book was provided by NetGalley and Steerforth Press in exchange for an honest review.