A review by ronald_schoedel
The 7-Day Christian: How Living Your Beliefs Every Day Can Change the World by Brad Wilcox


Brad Wilcox has made a bit of a reputation for himself for having a very good understanding of God’s grace and how it works in our lives, and how it relates to our salvation (spoiler alert: it’s pretty important!). He has helped many dispel wrong ideas about trying to earn salvation or earn grace to make up our shortcomings.

There is a bit of that in this book, as he describes how God’s grace is the only reason we can be all that we can be (whether we know it or not). But, this grace is not the central focus of this inspirational volume. Rather, the idea is how we can best shine our light as Christians by being not religious or pious per se, but by being good people.

It was thought provoking in several areas. I really enjoyed the chapter on sincerity and how the term “sincere” came to be (its original meaning is “without wax”. What has that to do with sincerity??? Brad will tell you!), and how we can apply that to our lives.

Although Wilcox is Mormon, this book is entirely non-denominational in its scope and application.