A review by goldenbooksgirl
Storm Hound by Claire Fayers


This follows Storm, who is part of Odin`s hunt, as he is left behind and arrives on Earth, where he is adopted by a girl named Jessica, and they both face grave danger when sinister strangers show up and take a bit too much interest in the local dogs. I loved both Storm and Jessie a lot, and I liked that the 3rd person POV showed both of their perspectives- Storm`s was especially great as he was hilarious in how he viewed earth and humans- and allowed insight into secondary characters (such as David) too. They all had their own plots, and it was great to see them unfold alongside the main action of Storm navigating his new life and dealing with the people who threaten his. Finally, I thought the pacing of this was absolutely fantastic- the mystery side of it was so intriguing and I loved seeing the story unfold and different elements tying together to create a really fantastic ending. This definitely delivered on the Lilo and Stitch vibes I was hoping for as well, which was great. A super fun fantasy that I`d definitely recommend, especially to dog lovers and/or fans of mythology! 4.5/5