A review by jessicaleza
We Wear the Mask: 15 True Stories of Passing in America by


Read this a second time in preparation for writing a chapter about sociocultural identities and passing.

What is passing? According to Marc Fitten, in "The Inscrutable Alexander Fitten," "... passing is: a person forging a new identity based on the fact that sometimes identities have more unearned advantages than others, and the effects of that change on subsequent generations." (p. 45)

"... actively passing creates a context of absence-recognized or not-that can only be hurtful to anyone who follows." (p. 49)

"-a charged word that suggests deceit around racial identity or sexual orientation- .... " - M.G. Lord in "Among the Heterosexuals" (p. 109)

"... the tawdry word: passing. I understood that it allowed people to assume I was a member of a privileged group- ... I had 'passed.' I had a window into a world I wasn't sure I wanted to see." - M.G. Lord in "Among the Heterosexuals" (p. 110)

"Passing is a thing with wings, fins, and ghost-light feet, a thing that follows me everywhere." - Gabrielle Bellot in "Stepping on a Star" (p. 141)

"... recognition is a privilege, not a guarantee." - Gabrielle Bellot in "Stepping on a Star" (p. 149)

"Each of us has two identities: the one that we know ourselves to be and the one that others see when they interact with us. 'Passing' is the label that we give to the practice of changing our public identity without, one hopes, losing track of who we truly are." Clarence Page in "Class Acts: Ways to be something you're not" (p. 153)

Speaking of "Latino children whose parents want them to assimilate," Brando Skyhorse says in 'College Application Essay #2', "the cost of being a 'real' American is sacrificing as much of your identity and language as possible. The goal is to blend in, not to call attention to yourself, for a lot of reasons" (p. 6).

"Whatever gains one is bequeathed or accepts from passing as a member of another group comes with a separation or disconnection from one's original identity or self. No small gain occurs in passing without a more substantial loss." ("College Application Essay #2" by Brando Skyhorse, p. 14)

Achy Obejas in "Secret Lives"

"My identity is fluid and incorporates my past as well as my new experiences. ... I can't choose not to be Cuban." (p. 35)

"Still, because my identities-plural-are not at all in the mainstream, managing them is constant, inspiring and illuminating but also exhausting and infuriating. Especially when it's not just about denying expectations and stereotypes, but also about insisting on identities that are often invisible to my interlocutors." (p. 35-36)

"Not deliberately passing. But passing nonetheless." - Teresa Wiltz, is "Passing" (p. 71)

"... passing is a complex business. You sacrifice your identity for mobility but you also sacrifice yourself. You can't be all the things you really are. You have to conform. And that conformity is a cultural adjustment." - Lisa Page, in "Slipping into Darkness" (p. 105)

Conciliation / Reconciliation (p. 17)
Postracialism (p. 124)
Identity as fields of stars (p. 139)