A review by drmaernardi
How to Eat by Thích Nhất Hạnh


Cute little audiobook. Nothing earth shattering or that I've never head before, but it's all condensed in a nice little package that I plan to revisit when my head starts spinning too fast and it also starts to affect my eating habits.

For me the biggest struggles are "greedy eating" and eating without distractions, as I live alone I often use TV shows or music to keep me company, and also to mask out my terrible neighbors' noise. TNH lowers the bar by proposing a single meal once a week to start off, and this helped me a lot with my perfectionist mindset (where if I don't do EVERYTHING RIGHT ALL THE TIMES it feels like it doesn't even make sense to start).

This also pairs well with a naturalistic POV toward our consumption and good use of natural resources. So many less than ideal (didn't want to write "bad") food choices are the result of carelessness, and THN's approach makes way easier to really come to term with what we're consuming (both in term of the food itself and the people making it).