A review by cjyu
Level 2 by Lenore Appelhans


Level 2 is a funky twist of mythology/paranormal underworlds.

I liked the thought of heaven and the Greek Underworld mixed with a middle "waiting room" idea behind the story, but I felt like the story just lacked a little... depth. I wanted to know more about the characters, the idea and workings behind everything- I do like how Lenore kept us in the dark about Felicia for a bit, but there just some depth lacking and at moments Felicia's character felt a little off. Like at one point I felt like she was really bratty, another point really strong. I don't quite know who she is... Could use a bit more fleshing out. She's a great character but her conflictions just weren't justified greatly.

For what it's worth, the writing is pretty good, the plot funky and twisty, having a strong first sentence and beginning that sucked me right in, no slow draggy parts, and I loved the sci-fi aspects that gives it a bit of the dystopian feeling to the story.

However, I did like the book overall and let me just say: I'VE BEEN BLINDSIDED!!! JULIAN!!! Like. What. Why. How. Mindblowned!!! The romance was not anything amazing, weirdly not really a love triangle, but kind of at the some time..? Like a couple, and one guy with a one sided love for the girl..? But guys: the end kinda broke my heart.

I felt like the book could've passed as a standalone (second one in a row this week) so I'm not quite sure what you could do to extend the plot. I'll be curious to know what Level 3 will be about.