A review by katiecatbooks
The Gatecrasher, by Madeleine Wickham


Romance. Chick lit. Light fluffy read.

Story: Fleur leads her life by taking advantage of wealthy men and running off to the next as the opportunity strikes. Richard has just lost his wife and it's at the funeral that he meets Fleur. He's used to a life of comfort and predictability, but something changes when Fleur enters his life.

Language: Third person, from various perspectives. 90's, Surrey, UK. If you are expecting Sophie Kinsella, then you'll be surprised by the different writing style. Unlike Shopaholic, which has a fast pace flitting from sale to sale, worry to worry, this book is slower paced as Fleur makes her way into the lives and world of the characters.

Characters: Fleur thinks and plans her life out and is always at least one step ahead. She enjoys a high class lifestyle and doesn't mind taking others out to have it. Richard is a business man who enjoys his spare time on the golf course, competing in tournaments and making deals with other businessman on the green.

I came into this book expected a light, fluffy read and got what I wanted. It was as enjoyable as a shopaholic book, but I enjoyed the differences. My only quibble is with the ending, but perhaps there will be a sequel in the future? I'd be interesting in reading about the future of Philippa and Gillian.