A review by abookishaffair
Revenge and Retribution by Anna Belfrage


You all know how I like reading about local places, right? When I heard that Anna Belfrage's Graham Saga took place in the colony of Maryland (Maryland, my Maryland!!!), I knew that I had to jump on the tour for the latest book in this series, "Revenge and Retribution." This was a great tour for me to jump on for sure! I really enjoyed this book and while it works perfectly fine as a stand alone novel, I really wish that I would have had the opportunity to read the first five books in the Graham Saga first! Alas, I must fix that in the future. For now, this book made for a great introduction.

In "Revenge and Retribution," time traveling Alex finds herself having lived in the colony of Maryland for a couple decades by now. She and her lovely Scottish born husband, Matthew, have several children, some of whom are fully grown. The story discusses their lives and really centers a lot on how Alex and Matthew are coping with their children growing and carving out lives for themselves, to include Samuel, their son, who is torn between living his life in the colonial town or in the wilderness with the Native Americans (called Indians in this book, of course) who surround the town. His plight was really fascinating to me.

This book was set in a really interesting time where there were a lot of questions about religion in Maryland. Maryland was actually established as a haven for Catholics but this book really shows how many questions there were about whether or not that should remain during the late 1600s. The book also centers on the great fear that witches were present in that time period. Anyone labelled a witch during that time was in great danger as Alex quickly realizes! I loved the element of historical detail in this book. I loved learning a little bit of new information about my state! Overall, this was a very good story that I ate up!