A review by gotathingforthings
In the Key of Nira Ghani by Natasha Deen


In the Key of Nira Ghani is an ownvoices story following a Guyanese teen who is caught between her parents expectations and her own wishes to be a musician. At the same time her best friend is pulling away from her, and why is the cute popular guy Noah suddenly talking to her?

(laughing at my attempt to write a synopsis without actually writing the synopsis)
In the Key of Nira Ghani has real characters which I felt were written really well. I love how Nira is such a teenager, with all her insecurities and dreams. I loved her family and how everything could be fixed with a cup of tea. All the characters has different sides and I felt for them all.

In my opinion the ending was the weakest part of the story, it wasn’t really executed well and I thought that it could have been more developed. There were also some relationships I wished we could have seen more of: Noah & Nira, Nira’s family vs. Farah’s family (and if they ever found out her uncle’s secret), Mac & Emily! I hope we actually get a sequel because there is a lot left to explore!

More thoughts can be found my full video review: https://youtu.be/bBd66vwYpWI

3.5/5 stars! Would recommend if you want a diverse and nice contemporary.