A review by btlitell
On These Black Sands by Vanessa Rasanen


Here there be pirates (and other pirate-related clichés and turns of phrase)
A great read that involves a full cast of complex characters, an intriguing story arc that takes turns where you don’t entirely expect them, and a setting that forced its way onto my “if I could visit a fictional world” list. The characters are all well-rounded and the ones who play a more pivotal role in the book are certainly beyond memorable. The pacing is also steady throughout the book and many times I wanted to not set the book down and continue reading. I’m quite thankful that book two (From These Dark Depths) is already out so I can start reading that and continue the story. 
Declan is at the very least a burnt cinnamon roll. It’s really hard not to feel sympathetic with him. He is a pirate, so I doubt he would enjoy being wrapped up in a blanket and swaddled until he feels better, but I think that’s what he might need honestly. Blanket burrito and some coffee or tea should fix him right up.
Aoife, while naïve and too trusting, grows on you as a reader. I wanted to be mad at her for trusting people too quickly, but I can’t blame her for that at all. Maybe some more experience in the real world will help her grow.
Tommy… I’m not sure what to say about him at this point.
Cait is greatly amusing for the little bit that we see of her. I want more of her in the next book(s) and I really hope we get that.