A review by reeminbooks
Break by Clare Littlemore


4 amazing stars!!
The first book was my favourite to be honest, but this one was amazing as well.

Three months after Quin transferred to Patrol and discovered the terrible truth about The Beck. She has joined the Resistance and she is determined to save lives and make a difference. There are more secrets to be discovered.
“She did not look upon him as a human life, as precious as any other. She saw him as an intriguing reaction to an experiment.”

Governance will do anything to protect the work they’ve worked years to achieve, even if it means killing others. To Governance humans are assets, disposable.

The writing is still captivating as ever, and it’s so easy to lose yourself in the book.

The characters though… Quin was a bit annoying. Cameron on the other hand *swoons*, well honestly at first I wanted to hit him in the face, but then I just wanted to grab him and run off into the sunset or something.

The story was well-paced, not much happened at first, then the last 2-ish chapters happened… let’s just say that things took a very, very unexpected turn…
I felt like I was running a marathon or something, nearly had a heart attack –or several heart attacks- I was practically flying through the pages to see what happens..
Then my heart broke.. but I didn’t even have time to mourn.. I kept going..
WHY???? Just why??
Next book please? please?? *weeps*