A review by dee2799d
The Stars Compel by Michaela Roessner


This is probably never going to get finished, which is such a shame, because it has everything I want in a fantasy: an interesting magic system, strong characters (most of them female), a loveable primary character (Tommasso broke my heart, I had no idea, I just want him to be happy), and most importantly: GOOD FOOD.

I find it that the fantasy books I love best talk about food a lot. Reading the Harry Potter series makes me hungry. And I knew when I picked this series up that main characters working for the kitchen!! Yes!

Politics more gnarly here as Caterina Medici finally leaves Florence for Rome under her cousin the Pope's commands. I sometimes forget how young these people are (even Tommasso, who started having an affair with Michaelangelo when he was 14??), because they really needed to grow up so fast. And I guess Caterina is really of age to get married during those times, but to actually stand as the figure-head of the Medicis and fight for Florence?

I wonder what happened and if book 3 is still happening? I want to know how Tommasso would end up. And I definitely want to see more of Lorenzacchio!