A review by _b_t_h_
Zombie Movies: The Ultimate Guide by Glenn Kay

I want to like this book SO BAD, if for no other reason than I've yet to see anything that is so incredibly comprehensive. Kay's reviews aren't anything to go nuts about, but maybe i'm more partial to the passion & vitriol of Chas Balun. The problem I have with this book is Kay's unfortunate positive review for Romero's 2008 "Diary of the Dead". For me, this is pretty much a dealer breaker in terms of Kay having much credibility. Anyone who claims to be a Romero fan, let alone a zombie fan, can hardly see Romero's latest work as anything but an absolute abortion. Seriously. I love Romero, but "Diary" was abysmal on pretty much all levels, and to say something nice about it for the sake of it having Romero's stamp is weak. You can't polish a turd, if it walks like a duck, etc, etc, they all apply here. Kay has done his zombie homework, no doubt about it, and letting one review of a movie taint my opinion is probably a tinge myopic, but goddamn...