A review by gamz
Beast by Sophie Oak, Lexi Blake


Oh! Dante’s story was a good one.

After doing a reality show and made to look like a total tool, Dante’s father threatened to cut him off if he didn’t get his life together and find a wife.

So, like the man child that he is, he decided to find a wife that was completely inappropriate, that his family would hate, so he could keep his place in the company. He’s marry her, have her embarrass the family, then send her off to live somewhere else while he returned to his playboy life.

What he didn’t expect was to find Kaja. A wolf shifter who’d been mistreated all her life and thrown out of her pack to die on her own. She was taken by a planewalker and sent to the market to be a consort.

Dante found her savage and perfect for his plans. Then she shifted to a wolf.
Then she fascinated him.
Then she burrowed her way into his heart and Dante would never be the same again.

I loved this book!
Dante’s evolution from selfish, but sweet, playboy to a hot af man was entertaining. I loved that Cian, Beck and Meg were also a large part of the story.

They are all closer to the twins achieving their rightful place. I cannot wait. And the epilogue - OMG! I can’t wait for the reunion that I hope is as emotionally wonderful as I imagine it to be.