A review by branomir
Ravenvlucht by Juliet Marillier


Oh boy, shame on me for leaving this for so long. I should have written this review a lot sooner. Not that I have that much to say, it's mostly more of the same from the first book, which I mean in a positive way. It even improves a little as Neryn doesn't spend any time travelling alone this time around so the dull bits of the previous instalment are mostly left out and we get some greater character interaction.

There is one part however, that I hated, which was the bit they spent on the Islands. Neryn's mentor there was an absolutely horrible entity that did absolutely horrible things and yet not only didn't Neryn and the others feel any rebellious towards her, they even praise her in the end! I couldn't wrap my head around that. Her lessons were also either nonsense or pretty much glossed over on the page. For the life of me I couldn't tell you what it is that Neryn actually learned there.

After the Islands though, the story picked up again and we finally got a closer look at Keldec the evil King and his equally evil Queen.

So in summary, story starts off great, then we get to the Islands, story goes way downhill, then we leave the Islands and story is great again. Overall, I enjoyed it and looking forward to the next instalment.