A review by razihecker
Man's Quest for God by Abraham Joshua Heschel

reflective slow-paced


“Faith does not come to an end with attaining certainty of God’s existence. Faith is the beginning of an intense craving to enter an active relationship with Him who is beyond the mystery, to bring together all the might that is within us with all that is spiritual beyond us.”

"In no other act does man experience so often the disparity between the desire for expression and the means of expression as in prayer"

“This is the difference between religion and philosophy. Religion begins with the sense of the ineffable; philosophy ends with the sense of the ineffable. Religion begins where philosophy ends”

1. Prayer is the essential microcosm of all Jewish ritual, because it’s our closest to understanding and coming in commune with the ineffable.
2. Prayer isn’t about pleading to God it’s about self transcendence. “Prayer doesn’t save us, but it may make us worthy of being saved”
3. Kavana isn’t about the ritual itself, or having understanding of the ritual, it’s about having an appreciation of the ineffable.