A review by briaraq
The Treatment by Suzanne Young

Did not finish book.
DNF at 20%

sloane: oh no my friend clearly has some type of brain damage let me go out with these rebels that I don't know anything about because they told me to and not think about what's going on with my friend and how I can help her

also sloane, a couple pages later: I think i'm drugged let me have sex with my bf that I don't remember but a few people told me about him so I must be madly in love

like I know some feelings are strong and I believe that you'll still be able to feel some things even though the memories are gone but jesus if she knows she can't trust anyone and things are bad atm, why would she automatically trust him and fall back on him like that? this book feels as thrown together as the first one. I was using this book to see if I should continue the series and I barely got into it before I decided.

I hope "Girls with Sharp Sticks" is better since that's been on my tbr for longer.