A review by mrslush50
Surrender: 40 Songs, One Story by Bono


NOTE: Not a review. This is just random stuff I wrote down while reading the book.

1. It's amazing how often some Christians can dismiss God's plan because it doesn't fit their own preconceived idea about how God works. Or dismiss the obvious anointing on another person's life because that person doesn't look or sound like their definition of a Christian.
2. Bono has always been someone I've admired. For his talent yes, but also for his complete sincerity. He truly believes the things he says, and he truly believes in the causes he champions. And yes, he has sometimes been a bit of a dick. And yes, he can often come across as "holier than thou." Both traits that are byproducts of that sincerity, I think.
3. As a huge fan of The Edge and his guitar playing, I'm really enjoying Bono's insight and stories about his longtime friend and bandmate. I'd love to read Edge's memoir if he ever writes one.
4. Reading this book has inspired me to go back and learn a few songs. So far I've picked up "Out of Control", "One", and "London Calling" by The Clash. The last of which I've learned on bass rather than guitar. The bass line is cooler.
5. What an odd life rock stars live. It's a dangerous profession. So many of them die young. Bono says at one point that you're expected to die on the cross of fame by the time you're 33. It's almost as though we as a society have decided that an acceptable price to pay for the fame and glory of rock success and excess, is an early death.
6. The audio version of this book is incredible. It's exactly what a musician's memoir should be. New versions of songs have been recorded just for the book. Additionally, Bono is an excellent narrator. He even does passable impressions of many of the larger-than-life characters he encounters throughout the retelling.