A review by susanarnoldbooks
Delirium by Lauren Oliver


I just finished reading Lauren Oliver’s Delirium, which is only book one of a trilogy. And when I say ‘just finished’ I mean five minutes ago.

I have nothing but praise for Delirium. Within the first few paragraphs, I was already enveloped in the world that Oliver has created. First off, each chapter starts with an excerpt from a book or website that exists within the dystopian United States in the book. That alone shows the depth of development that Oliver used to create the story. She made up books and authors, for crying out loud.

Furthermore, love almost ceases to exist in Delirium. That is something that I can’t even fathom; not being able to say you love someone, or even something as simple as mac and cheese, not being able to hug a friend hello or goodbye because of the ever-lingering fear of being imprisoned for showing any sort of affection toward anybody.

And then we meet the main character, Lena. She is one of the most relatable characters I have ever read. She doesn’t see anything wrong with the system, she thinks of herself as any old plain Jane, and she doesn’t want anything to change. Whenever I read a dystopian series, the character is somebody that tends to stand out: Katniss, who hates the Capitol before she becomes tribute, Tris who chooses to leave Abnegation. Lena was much more simple than that (probably because she was scared out of her mind), and it was refreshing to see a character who was so normal.

Fair warning, though, I wouldn’t start reading this book if you only want to read one. Delirium ends with one of the most epic cliffhangers I’ve ever read. So epic that, as I’m typing up this review, I have several other tabs open to Amazon and I’m about to buy the rest of the series (so stay tuned for more reviews!).
