A review by booksicle
By Any Other Name by Lauren Kate


This is my first romance book I’ve read and reviewed and I tried to keep myself together as I read the last two chapters (and Chapter One of course!). This book is cheesy, and it’s in no way completely realistic. There’s flaws, like Lanie’s ability to call from Italy without needing a new card overseas. That was a fun ordeal I’ve gone through. But do we really read romance for the realism? I read this because I needed it. I needed something cheesy and cute and heartwarming. Something to give me a little bit of squealing giddiness.
This book did that! Seeing Lanie and Noa build their relationship from hatred, but not true hatred, only added to that giddiness because although I knew what was around the corner, sometimes you need that. It’s a safe book. A comfort kind of book. When she went to Italy I knew who would show up. Despite knowing, I was dying for it to happen anyway. When this comes out next year, I really hope those on the fence of this book end up reading it. Especially if you need something easy, fun, and absolutely comforting!
Thank you NetGalley for letting me review this!