A review by raven168
Forsaken by Jacquelyn Frank


Taking place shortly after the last book, Leo is up and about even though he probably shouldn't be yet. But as he says, he was never very good at being an invalid. Because of his suffering at Chatha's hands he's having a very hard time at reconciling his feelings about Jackson and Docia being these bodywalkers he's never heard of and his only experience with them being at the hands of Chatha and Kamen. He's pretty much pissed off at the world and had everything that made him him shatter and he takes it out on the two he loves the most. Even though he hates himself for it. The story quickly starts when Apep makes a surprise attack at their safe house. Ram's been taken out of commission, Docia is trapped inside(because of Leo), and Jackson is pinned where he's at in the middle of the driveway. When Leo interrupts things, Jackson gets taken out and just before Leo meets his demise he's saved by the night angel Faith. After his attack doesn't go as planned, Apep just up and leaves...huh. Faith was sent to warn the bodywalkers and obviously was too late in that regard, but she was able to save Jackson's and Menes' life. At least for the time being. What they need to actually save him is a very powerful djinn. So Leo and Faith go on a trip. Lucky for them Docia befriended Singsing and with her help they were able to get to the most powerful one in North America. I really liked Grey's character. He was a pretty awesome djinn and I hope to see more of him in the future too. One thing that Faith had always been taught was never to make a wish from one of them, but circumstances what they are she is left with no choice if she is to save Jackson's life and pretty much the world. Of course the wish comes with a price and it's kind of a funny nik they're sent to retrieve, with the whole thing actually seeming a little easy too but we finally get glimpse of what the wraiths are like. Payment fulfilled, Grey and the two of them pop back up at the house to save Jackson just in time. Throughout the whole trip Leo had been finding himself more and more drawn to Faith despite how hard he tried to fight it because of what she was. And once Grey showed them the future should they fail to get his help, it makes it harder for Leo at times to keep his distance. But with Faith's endless understanding and the ease with which he finds himself opening up to her he finds himself doomed. It's also thanks to her that he finally accepts what Jackson and Docia had become and he really needed to do that because he can't see his life without them. And now that he's got his head on straight again, by the end he has even found a place for himself in this world of supernatural creatures.

Apep is pretty crazy in his own right and we see that a few times here. Very very odd god... He's come up with an evil plan and goes forth to enact it. In his own brutal way of course. And we finally learn of all twelve nightwalker races as well as where they came from. Plus now we know how this curse was enacted on them, dividing the races.