A review by megwoman25
Reaching Reed by Cora Rose, Nicole Dykes


MM Romance
Cam Boy Insta-love
3.5 Stars ⭐️

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I saw these two authors were collaborating but I had to give it a chance. Cora Rose’s writing is too OTT for me most of the time and her characters are so extra that they start to annoy me. When it comes to Nicole Dykes writing, I always feel like something is missing despite liking the characters. I feel like her books need more flair because I tend to lose interest as time goes on. Having Cora’s crazy mixed in with Nicole’s heartfelt characters made this book work for me. Yes, it was mostly a smut fest but because the authors state in the beginning that this started as smut for their paetron accounts, I knew going in to expect a lot of sex. I had a good time reading this book until the last 20% and that’s why this isn’t a 4 star read.

This book reminded me of a tamed down version of Whit at times because Reed had secrets and wouldn’t let people in. We don’t even get his POV until like chapter 7 or something and even then he’s a bit of a mystery. While Carter wasn’t the big golden retriever Caleb was, he was still a caring man who wanted to help Reed anyway he could and I adored his moms. At the start these two are just having mechanical sex as cam boys but once they kiss a bit later on, I could see there was more to them than just the physical. I think Reed’s secret really helped them become closer but I can’t elaborate on that because spoilers.

Without spoiling anything I’ll try to explain why this book went sideways for me. Reed is struggling and needed a solution going forward but I wasn’t fond of the way it went. It would have helped to know how much cam boys make because Carter made it seem like he could afford anything and if that was the case, I didn’t understand the reason things went the way they did. I felt the ending was super rushed because of it and I hated the epilogue. The epilogue takes place a month later and while Carter and Reed are a part of it, it’s not about them. The epilogue basically sets up this series and I just wanted more of Reed and Carter and their future and not everyone else.

All that said though, I liked the side characters enough to want to read more books in this series. And I will look forward to seeing more of Carter & Reed in the future.