A review by livres_et_sortileges
The Well of Ascension, by Brandon Sanderson


I've finished this 10 minutes ago and I still can't process everything.
Brandon Sanderson is an amazing writer, it is definitely one of the best plots I have ever read, so much great politics, grander threats than you could imagine, surprises everywhere... and on top of all this, the characters, the relationships are all so well developped (and I'm a very character-driven reader) while there are MANY protagonists. I can't even realise how good it is, honestly. Just mindblowing.
And it wasn't enough for him apparently, because the world becomes so much bigger in this book, the worldbuilding grows more intricate by the page, with new creatures presented to us that fit perfectly in this world, new discoveries about allomancy and feruchemy and I can't even
(Sorry if this was a bit messy but I just have a lot of feelings right now and my brain is mostly screaming)