A review by jazmin
A Pizza My Heart by Teagan Hunter


“You know exactly what I mean. When she sees it, she won’t be able to look away. Just give her time.”

⇢The Plot
Unfortunately, this book took the cliches too far for my taste. This was a brother’s best friend romance, right? So usually it takes a while for them to get together because they start out as indifferent towards each other or friends. But no, this book had to pull the “you’re in love with me but don’t know it” and the “let’s pretend” for the entire book until it just got old. I’m sorry but when you’re 90% into the book and still using that as an excuse, it just feels weird.

⇢The Romance
That being said, I guess Wren and Foster were somewhat cute? I guess I just didn’t particularly love them or hate them they were just okay. I feel like the next couples will be better but at the same time I don’t think I’m invested enough in these characters to continue.

“Because you and I, Wren—we’re bound to happen. Whether you want it or not, you have a piece of my heart, and I don’t want it back.”

⇢Wren and Foster
As characters, I honestly felt the same. They were pretty underdeveloped, and I would have loved to see flashbacks to when they had been friends in their childhoods. I think that could have set up the story in a much better way. The story was obviously set up as a brother’s best friend story, but Foster didn’t even seem to fit that role since he had left to live in California or wherever.

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ❦ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .