A review by kblincoln
Finding the Lost by Shannon K. Butcher


While the first in this series was refreshingly different installation in paranormal urban romance for me to score it high despite some flaws, this second one did not live up to my expectations.

Which is frustrating, because I totally wanted to like the second in the series. You see, the problem is that the detailed IDEA of the demon Synestryn and the different races; Sanguinar, Sentinel, Slayers, who fight them is really well developed and intriguing.

The story of Andra, who specializes in finding "lost" children (who are really being kidnapped by Synestryn demons) and Paul, a Sentinel warrior looking for the woman who can save him by accepting his magic necklace and stored power, is a good set-up.

I love how Andra is really, really strong and proactive. I love the face that the relationships between Paul and his other Sentinel buddies isn't all buddy-buddy.

However, the story doesn't stay focused on Andra and Paul, it goes off into other POV's of other couples and a too-short glimpse of the big bad. Each of those other stories could be a whole novel-length story (and probably will be in later sequels) but while interesting, the short glimpse only ends up being frustrating for me as it interrupted Paul and Andra's story without giving me enough to want to follow the other story.

This also serves to highlight the main trouble with Andra and Paul, mainly that in the latter part of the book the obstacle for them getting together is Andra's feelings of failure related to how she couldn't save her sisters from the Synestryn long ago. And despite her many successes since, and her overall badass attitude, she doesn't want to commit to Paul because she is afraid she might fail him? Really?

It didn't quite ring true to me.

So while it was an entertaining read in an intriguingly developed world, my frustration at how the multiple storylines were handled as well as wanting more of a real conflict for the love interests may overshadow whether I'll pick up the next in the series.

It's a toss up.

This Book's Food Designation Rating: A bag of Gardetto's snack mix because of all the interesting bits and pieces of the story that after a while begin to make you tired of juggling it all so that you reach into the bag and try to snag just the rye toasts and pretzels that you love the best.