A review by jenbsbooks
My Soul to Save by Rachel Vincent


3.5 ... I didn't like this as much as the first two (or first 1.5). This one just felt much more "teenybopper" to me. Maybe it was the focus on teen stars selling their souls, and I didn't have as much sympathy for them, they did get themselves into this mess. So I guess I just didn't care as much or get as emotionally involved. Also, with a book aimed at teens, the sex stepped up (ok, there wasn't any actual sex because they kept getting interrupted, but lots of moaning and flushing and talk of desire). I'm fine with it in an adult book, but don't care for it as much in a book with young girls as the target audience.

Just the demons, reapers, Netherworld and all the creatures there, it reminded me more of an episode of Supernatural, but still a little too much funny stuff to be taken seriously.