A review by ruthie_the_librarian
Waiting for Doggo by Mark Mills


I've heard this described as chick lit for men - I'm not sure that it is. It did strike me as having a flavour of chick lit about it, but I'm guessing the 'for men' bit comes about since it's a male protagonist, which is a pretty lame link since I enjoy any book with a good story, regardless of it being a male or female lead.

Anyway, it has a dog in it, which is probably more important and will, in some cases, be the reason for or against reading this book for some people!

I did find myself caught up in the story. There's nothing that blows your mind, but there are some funny moments with doggo, and one very sweet and moving moment that very nearly saw me blub into my wine. Written with a light touch, this was an enjoyable read.

Thanks to Netgalley for the advance copy.