A review by readingwithmygoldens
One Night Gone by Tara Laskowski


When I saw this title come up on Netgalley, I wasn't sure about it, but I thought I would give it a try. I was happy to be approved rather quickly and initially the book started out good enough where I liked it and wanted to keep reading. At around the 75 page mark, I thought about stopping, but I wanted to give the book a chance (so many of my book friends liked it, I try to push through more when it's an arc), but I honestly should have given up.

Even though this was an almost DNF for me, I don't think this would be a low rated or DNF for most. The story is intriguing enough - we have Maureen, a carnival worker in a beach town in 1985. She is young, has a troubled past and gets mixed up with the rich kids in town, but she can certainly hold her own. Then we have Allison, the present day perspective from a former television meteorologist who is retreating to previously mentioned beach town after an embarrassing and ultimately job ending, on-air rant against her cheating husband. Allison meets Maureen's best friend, Tammy, who now runs the local coffee shop and they become friends. Once she learns about the disappearance of Maureen, she increasingly becomes more interested to the point of not being able to let it go.

I think it was a good book enough debut, but it just wasn't for me. I found Allison kind of annoying and didn't quite understand her motivation for becoming so invested in the mystery of Maureen. While reading Maureen's perspective, it felt kind of like I've read this all before. I didn't connect well with her plight either. When you find yourself not caring for both characters or their outcome, it's hard to provide a glowing review. Those feelings are purely personal and many others find themselves feeling the opposite of what I did. The book is good at keeping you guessing, my problem was that I just didn't care that much. If you find yourself stumbling on this review and wonder what to do - I would read it. I am clearly in the minority.

Thanks to Netgalley, Harlequin and Tara Laskowski for the opportunity to read and provide an honest review of this book.

Review Date: 10/11/19
Publication Date: 10/1/19