A review by farahhananii
The Other Slipper by Kenechi Udogu


Review on blog: The Other Slipper Review on Tumbling In Books

Well, don’t let the cover deceive you! Self-published books ought to get more attention. More credit! Sometimes, self-published books are better than the company-published(is that what they call it?) books. Intangible by J. Meyers and ReVamped by Ada Adams proved that.

The Other Slipper is more of a Cinderella twist than a Cinderella retelling. Instead, of focusing on Ella(yes, she’s Cinderella), The Other Slipper focused on Jo, one of the palace’s kitchen cleaner.

The main character Jo, sets off on a mission to return Ella’s glass slippers to the Lady of Ould. It’s the aftermath that she has to pay for picking up the slipper when Ella left it behind and ate the enchanted pumpkin that was once Ella’s carriage to the ball.

Jo isn’t a character who believes in magic, enchantments, illusions and stuff. Jo was an awkward teenage tomboy girl. Jo sets off to Ould with her brother, Ron and on their way fulfilling their mission, they met someone and soon, both of them found themselves thrusted into the world of illusions and enchantments.

The Other Slipper is more of a MG than YA. And I don’t usually read books that isn’t all swoony and cute but The Other Slipper just kept me going and going. The writing and story just keep getting better and better with every page. With each page my curiosity grows. The Other Slipper is definitely a page turner! People really ought to give this a try.