A review by reading_instead_of_sleeping
Deadly Trials by Lorelei R. Jensen

Hi! Lorelei here. Thank you so much for looking into my book baby. Deadly Trials is near and dear to my heart, and I hope you enjoy. I thought I’d pop on and write a content guide real quick. If I missed something or you have any questions, you can reach me on Instagram at @reading_instead_of_sleeping.

I personally rank this as upper ya. The characters range from 18-23 but the story itself is pretty young. Nothing that is mentioned below is put in a glorifying manner.

Sexual: mention of rape

Violence: It can be pretty gory, and there are instances of domestic abuse. People are murdered. One character almost drowns.

Language: none that I’m aware.

Other: there is suicidal ideation and the mention of using drugs and alcohol to dim the emotional pain of a character. There is a panic attack scene. Deadly Trials does have magic in a sense but it isn’t witchcraft.