A review by trike
Mystery Society by Steve Niles


I've had this book lying around for years and had forgotten I had it. I discovered it while searching my office the other day and was surprised by its existence. Steve Niles! Of [b:30 Days of Night, Vol. 1|831829|30 Days of Night, Vol. 1|Steve Niles|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1178747918s/831829.jpg|280664] and [b:Criminal Macabre|756562|Criminal Macabre (Criminal Macabre A Cal McDonald Mystery #1)|Steve Niles|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1349006440s/756562.jpg|742675]! Fiona Staples! Of [b:Saga, Vol. 1|15704307|Saga, Vol. 1 (Saga, #1)|Brian K. Vaughan|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1486028947s/15704307.jpg|19113524]! Why has this been languishing?! (Because I have too many books, is why.)

So I devoured it before work today, and it definitely improved my mood after the downer that was [b:The Fifth Season|19161852|The Fifth Season (The Broken Earth, #1)|N.K. Jemisin|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1386803701s/19161852.jpg|26115977]. Which is good, but oh so depressing.

This is just a fun romp that combines all sorts of secret world stuff like Area 51, androids, psychic powers, killer robots, human experimentation, the works. This is lighthearted adventure that cleanses the pallet, like a refreshing summer sorbet.

Our main characters are a couple who are into arcane mysteries and cryptozoology and wacky conspiracy theories, but none of it dark, just fun. They are inexplicably suddenly wealthy, so they go whole hog into exploring all of these things, rescuing a couple of girls who were experimented on back in the late 1940s and then put into suspended animation, and recruiting various other oddities, such as the previously-created character Secret Skull, who is an undead woman, as well as Verne, the brain of the writer preserved in a robot body. Like I said, goofy.

Unfortunately it seems these 5 issues are all that were ever made. So while we do get a complete story here, we don't get all the answers of how these characters came to be, and not how our heroes secured their new-found wealth. It's not important to the story, but I'm sure Niles had a fun explanation for it.