A review by mike_danley
Socialism . . . Seriously: A Brief Guide to Human Liberation by Danny Katch


I recently picked this book up with a bundle of 12 other free books (all of the radical left persuasion). A great giveaway during the covid Pandemic by a publisher I’m now having a hard time remembering (maybe it’ll come back to me soon!)

Anyways, this was a fairly short book, just under 200 pages. I’ve been in the game of Marxist politics for almost all of my adult life now, so for me it didn’t bring anything new to the table that I didn’t already know. However, I’m glad I read it anyway, because now I have another socialism “for beginners” book to recommend to friends, family and anyone else interested.

Along with Terry Eagletons great book ‘Why Marx Was Right’, which I always recommend to people starting out down this road. ‘Socialism...seriously’ breaks down the core tenets of socialist and radical left thought very plainly and simply for the average person to understand. It’s at times very whimsical and dare I say funny - which is quite rare in a sea of, let’s be honest, quite dry reading when it comes to the subject matter.